photo 333.jpg
Alÿs in Wonderland
Alÿs in Wonderland

72" x 48"

Home GPS
Home GPS
Road and yellow fabric
Road and yellow fabric
Road and blue fabric
Road and blue fabric
USA Street
USA Street

Acrylic on canvas

48" x 72"

Blue Line on road
Blue Line on road

Acrylic on canvas

48" x 72"

Detail "Blue Line on road"
Detail "Blue Line on road"
Road and pink fabric
Road and pink fabric

72" x 48"

Road and pink fabric Detail
Road and pink fabric Detail
photo 5.JPG
Kaveh Irani MFA thesis
Collage pieces.jpg
Arrow up
Arrow up

48" x 36"

Orange cross and Guilloche
Orange cross and Guilloche

24” x 29.5”

Orange Arrow and Guilloche
Orange Arrow and Guilloche

24” x 35.5”

White X yellow fabric
White X yellow fabric

28" x 24"

Yellow triangle
Yellow triangle

26" x 24"

photo 333.jpg
Alÿs in Wonderland
Home GPS
Road and yellow fabric
Road and blue fabric
USA Street
Blue Line on road
Detail "Blue Line on road"
Road and pink fabric
Road and pink fabric Detail
photo 5.JPG
Kaveh Irani MFA thesis
Collage pieces.jpg
Arrow up
Orange cross and Guilloche
Orange Arrow and Guilloche
White X yellow fabric
Yellow triangle
Alÿs in Wonderland

72" x 48"

Home GPS
Road and yellow fabric
Road and blue fabric
USA Street

Acrylic on canvas

48" x 72"

Blue Line on road

Acrylic on canvas

48" x 72"

Detail "Blue Line on road"
Road and pink fabric

72" x 48"

Road and pink fabric Detail
Kaveh Irani MFA thesis
Arrow up

48" x 36"

Orange cross and Guilloche

24” x 29.5”

Orange Arrow and Guilloche

24” x 35.5”

White X yellow fabric

28" x 24"

Yellow triangle

26" x 24"

show thumbnails